Occasionally, organisations need to seek guidance on procurement matters. In-tend offer a procurement helpdesk subscription service, which gives a single user license to query procurement related matters on behalf of their organisation.
Our procurement professionals typically have a range of experience in both public and private sector procurement, and still actively lead procurement exercises. Experience may come from a range of different organisations spanning goods, services and works contracts for both the public and private sector.
Our professionals have a good working knowledge of EU and UK Public Sector procurement and are conversant with the regulations.
This experience can be leveraged by subscribers and allow them to access the opinions of our professionals on a range of procurement related subjects and response.
The service also includes annual subscription to In-procurement Magazine, which includes articles contributed by In-tend's vast community of procurement experts and professionals. The magazine has in the past been contributed to by professionals employed by ITV, Adobe, Renault, Mearsk and Cambridge University to name just a few. The magazine subscription is another valuable resource for your own purchasing toolset.